Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wanna Look 10 Years Younger and Lose a Few Pounds

Look who is sporting a nice set of braces! That's right I got braces about 4 weeks ago and I feel like I look 10 years younger. On my recent trip to Nebraska, I went to visit my younger sister at her work, and a coworker of hers said, "Oh, you brought your younger sister in to visit." Then my baby sister called me "The Thirteen Year Old" the whole trip. I've also lost a few pounds because it was pretty painful to eat for the first week, and I haven't been snacking as much because of the whole food getting stuck in your braces thing. So, if you want to lose weight, getting braces is a great option to consider:)

I must say that I have been surprised at how big of an adjustment getting braces has been. Talking with braces has been especially hard because my top lip gets caught on my braces. I talk differently with braces. Another change has been allowing 5 minutes for flossing instead of 30 seconds. Also, I am limited on what foods I can eat. When I get these off the first thing I am going to do is bite into an apple, and eat corn on the cob :) Also, I wasn't prepared for how young these braces make me look and how nerdy I feel. But, a little pain and a little bit of feeling nerdy will be worth it to get straight teeth.


32 Flavors said...

Oh how I feel your pain right now. I hated how I talked with braces on, I had a permanent lisp that drove me crazy. It will get better though...and it is so worth it.

RSL said...

Looks like you guys had fun on your trip.

Tara Johnson said...

Jess you know I know your pain. After all I had them twice! It does hurt so bad. I know that this is really late but I finally have some time to sit down and check up on people.


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